Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New years resolutions...... Every week of every year I take lots & lots of family photos & I always come up against Mums & Dads saying they don't want to be in any photos themselves. They don't like how they look or they hate having their photo taken! I too am much more in my comfort zone behind the camera rather than standing in front of it. But every week I convince parents that their children will love these images in years to come and hopefully they too will love looking back at how little their little munchkins were in their hands or sitting on their lap - that time goes by so fast they won't remember how little they were. I am forever saying they are only little for a little while & we should capture & freeze these memories as much as we can . But I rarely have my photo taken with my children, the last ones I did do were summer time 2017, so my promise to myself this year is to have more images with my two little ones (& to make their Dad jump in a few too!). They are growing at an alarming rate and getting more and more independent each day. So while they are still small enough to laugh at my silly jokes and snuggle up on my lap I am going to make a big effort to capture some of it. Newborn & Baby photographer Cardiff, South Wales

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